Name: Mount Dooling
IC, sulphide-rich iron, medium Octahedrite

Country: WESTERN AUSTRALIA,  Date: Find: 1909

Latitude: 29 Deg 27 Min South,  Longitude: 119 Deg 43 Min East

TKW: + 734 kg approx.









The Mount Doolong meteorite belongs to the rare IC class of irons. The records in the Database of the Meteoritical Society show only 10 IC irons! Measurements of the gallium, germanium and nickel composition of the Mount Manning (701 kg) and Gosnells meteorites show they both belong to the Mount Dooling fall.

Further examination showed that the Gosnells specimen, which were found near Perth, must have been transported from the Mount Manning region by humans. This is possibly one of the few examples of a meteorite that may have been transported by aborigines.

The IC meteorites of this small group are a bit similar to the members of the IAB group. Most of them are coarse octahedrites. Well-known, representative members of the IC group include the meteorites of Bendegó, Santa Rosa, Murnpeowie, and Mount Dooling.